The Basal Ganglia


Although every effort has been made to make this document accurate, it is possible there are mistakes.  I am fairly confident that everything is correct but since this document is made available as a courtesy it is your responsibility to catch any mistakes there might be (although I don't think there are any).  That's it!!  Have fun studying for the test.



So you're probably wondering what the deal is with the basal ganglia during your coronal sectioning.  The caudate sure is moving around and changing in size as you dissect the brain posteriorly (caudally) and then all the sudden the globus pallidus comes from nowhere.  Well in order to appreciate what's really going on with the basal ganglia you need to understand its three-dimensional structure which is no easy task.  In order to help in this process I've made a really crude three-dimensional movie (it had to be low resolution so it wont take forever to download over the web).  You can view the movie at the bottom of this page.  Please read the text very carefully before you run the movie.  There should be a control bar so you can run the movie over and over.  I would look at each structure individually first (i.e. lentiform nucleus, caudate, and amygdala) to appreciate its orientation in three dimensional space before trying to learn the entire structure.




The movie will only show the left basal ganglia.  In the beginning, a closer and closer view of the basal ganglia will be shown.  When the text comes up you will see labels for three structures: the caudate nucleus, the lentiform nucleus (which is composed of the globus pallidus and putamen), and the amygdala.  Keep in mind that during the beginning the persons/rats nose is facing to the right and the top of the head is at the top of the screen.  We are looking at the left basal ganglia as if we were looking through right temple portion of the head.  As the movie progresses, you will be given a view of the basal ganglia in several different orientations.


1)The caudate nucleus is the tail shaped object (caudate actually means tail).  You can appreciate the unusual shape of this structure as you view it from several different orientations.  At its anterior most extent it actually extends in front (more anterior) of the lentiform nucleus.  This is why it appears first in the coronal sections.  As our coronal cuts progress more posterior, this structure progresses further from the lentiform nucleus extending dorsally and laterally as we continue posteriorly.  Eventually, this structure actually makes a U-shaped turn and curves back into the hippocampas gyrus ending just posterior to the amygdala.  It may help to orient yourself where the amygdala is in order to visualize the termination point of the caudate nucleus, please look at the ventral view of the sheep brain (the amygdala located just below the cortex in area 10). 



2) The lentiform nucleus is the large football shaped structure containing the globus pallidus and putamen.  Even though the globus pallidus and putamen are structurally dissimilar, its easy to see why neuroanatomists lumped the two regions together (as the lentiform nucleus) due to the continuity between the two structures.  In the movie, just the lentiform nucleus is shown but realize that it is composed of a more medial globus pallidus and a more lateral putamen.


3) The amygdala is shown in this movie simply to provide a reference point for you (i.e. just anterior to the termination point of the caudate nucleus in the hippocampal gyrus).  Its the small sphere located at the end of the caudate nuclues.  Although it is considered part of the basal ganglia there is little functional similarity between the amygdala and the rest of the basal ganglia.  Because of this, I would suggest not thinking of it in terms of the basal ganglia but instead think of it as an integral part of the limbic system involved in fear. 


*If you have problems running the movie look at the bottom of the page.


Here's the movie



That's it, I hope this movie helps. 


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*If you can't run the movie you don't have Quicktime properly installed for your web browser.  To do this go to and download Quicktime by entering your email and name.  This is the apple web site so it's safe to download from, just make sure you do not choose any of the news items or you'll probably get junk e-mail (by default you will not get the news).  Install Quicktime using the installer file you just downloaded.  Now go to your Quicktime Folder and open the Plugins Folder.  If you have a PC put the "npqtplugin.dll" file in the Plug-ins folder of your web browser.  If you have a Mac put the "QuickTime Plugin" file in the Plug-ins folder of your web browser.  Now restart your web browser and everything should be fine.